1. Please read the user manual and make sure that you understand the instructions before you use the product.
2. Only place stimulation pads on the mastoids, behind the ears, as directed in the instructions provided. Do not place on your chest or elsewhere on the head or neck.
3. If an unexpected reaction occurs, discontinue use of Modius Stress immediately.
4. Keep this product away from children as small items such as stimulation pads are choking hazards.
5. It is recommended that you use this device only while seated.
6. Modius Stress must not be used while driving or operating machinery of any kind.
7. Modius Stress is for adults 22 and older only.
8. Dispose of stimulation pads in a suitable bin after use.
9. If you feel any discomfort during a session, pause the session and reduce the stimulation level via the buttons on the device until it is at a comfortable level before resuming your session.
10. Possible hazards or adverse effects include skin irritation; discomfort from the stimulation; sensation of feeling off-balance; dizziness; nystagmus (eye movements); blurred or flashing vision; headache; nausea and tinnitus. If a problem persists, please consult your physician.
11. To mitigate the risk of dizziness, the device must be worn when seated, and start stimulation at a low level and increase gradually to the highest comfortable level. If you do experience dizziness, stop stimulation by turning off or removing the device. If dizziness persists, please consult your physician.
12. To mitigate the risk of headaches, start stimulation at a low level and increase gradually to the highest comfortable level. If you do experience a headache, stop stimulation by turning off or removing the device. If a headache persists, please consult your physician.
13. It is recommended that you use Modius Stress for 30 minutes per day. As a safety feature, the device will automatically stop stimulation after 30 minutes of use.
14. The Modius Stress device has not been evaluated in the following populations: diagnosis of HIV infection or AIDs, history of stroke or severe head injury, diagnosis of a current psychotic disorder or current major depressive episode.
15. The Modius Stress device has not been evaluated in populations who have used prescription or over the counter sleep medications 4 weeks prior to device use, and during device use.
16. Some users may have a response that may affect their ability to perform potentially hazardous tasks, such as operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery for up to several hours after treatment. However, no significant lasting side effects have been reported.